Numerical MR signal simulation based on the Bloch equation¶
(seqinfo, phtinfo, pat_id)¶ Caller function that runs Bloch simulation
This function parses parameters for the requested simulation and then executes the main simulation script,, passing on the parameters
- Parameters
seqinfo (dict) – Acquire page payload
phtinfo (dict) – Register page payload
pat_id (str) – Patient ID of current session
- Returns
- Return type
Numerical phantom generation and access
(filename, dsf=1, make2d=False, loc=0, dir='z', dBmap=0)¶ Bases:
This phantom is in development.
(type_map, type_params, vsize, dBmap=0, loc=(0, 0, 0))¶ Bases:
Discrete tissue type phantom
Phantom constructed from a finite set of tissue types and their parameters
- Parameters
type_map (numpy.ndarray) – Matrix of integers that map to tissue types
type_params (dict) – Dictionary that maps tissue type number to tissue type parameters (PD,T1,T2)
vsize (float) – Voxel size in meters (isotropic)
dBmap (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Matrix of B0 magnetic field variation across phantom The default is 0 and means no variation
loc (tuple, optional) – Overall location of phantom; default is (0,0,0)
(T1map, T2map, PDmap, vsize, dBmap=0, loc=(0, 0, 0))¶ Bases:
Generic numerical phantom for MRI simulations
The phantom is mainly defined by three matrices of T1, T2, and PD values, respectively. At the moment, each index in the matrix corresponds to a single spin group. The overall physical size is determined by vsize; phantom voxels must be isotropic.
- Parameters
T1map (numpy.ndarray) – Matrix of T1 values in seconds
T2map (numpy.ndarray) – Matrix of T2 values in seconds
PDmap (numpy.ndarray) – Matrix PD values between 0 and 1
vsize (float) – Voxel size in meters (isotropic)
dBmap (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Matrix of B0 magnetic field variation across phantom The default is 0 and means no variation
loc (tuple, optional) – Overall location of phantom in meters; default is (0,0,0)
¶ [fov_x, fov_y, fov_z] 1 x 3 array of fields-of-view in x, y, and z directions
- Type
¶ 1D array of all x locations in phantom
- Type
¶ 1D array of all y locations in phantom
- Type
¶ 1D array of all z locations in phantom
- Type
()¶ Returns a flattened 1D array of all indices in phantom [(u1,v1,w1),…,(uk,vk,wk)]
- Returns
- Return type
()¶ Returns a flattened 1D array of all location vectors [(x1,y1,z1),…,(xk,yk,zk)]
- Returns
- Return type
(indx)¶ Returns (x,y,z) physical location in meters at given indices
- Parameters
indx (tuple or array_like) – (ind1, ind2, ind3) Index for querying
- Returns
x, y, z – physical location corresponding to index
- Return type
(indx)¶ Returns PD, T1, and T2 at given indices
- Parameters
indx (tuple) – Index for querying
- Returns
PD, T1, T2 – Tissue parameters corresponding to the queried index
- Return type
()¶ Returns the phantom’s matrix size
- Returns
shape – The matrix size in three dimensions
- Return type
(centers, radii, type_params, fov, n, dir='z', R=0, loc=(0, 0, 0))¶ Bases:
2D phantom extracted from a cylinder containing spheres
Regardless of dir, this will be an axial slice of a cylinder That is, the plane is constructed as a z-slice and then re-indexed to lie in the x or y plane The centers of spheres will correspond to locations before re-indexing
- Parameters
centers (list or array_like) – List of 3D physical locations of the spheres’ centers
radii (list or array_like) – List of radii for the spheres
type_params (dict) – Dictionary that maps tissue type number to tissue type parameters (PD,T1,T2)
fov (float) – Field of view (isotropic)
n (int) – Matrix size
dir (str, optional {'z','x','y'}) – Orientation of plane; default is z
R (float, optional) – Cylinder’s cross-section radius; default is half of fov
loc (tuple, optional) – Overall location (x,y,z) of phantom from isocenter in meters Default is (0,0,0)
(dim=2, n=16, dir='z', loc=0, fov=0.24)¶ Makes a cylindrical phantom with fixed geometry and T1, T2, PD but variable resolution and overall size
The cylinder’s diameter is the same as its height; three layers of spheres represent T1, T2, and PD variation.
- Parameters
dim (int, optional {2,3}) – Dimension of phantom created
n (int) – Number of spin groups in each dimension; default is 16
dir (str, optional {'z', 'x', 'y'}) – Direction (norm) of plane in the case of 2D phantom
loc (float, optional) – Location of plane relative to isocenter; default is 0
fov (float, optional) – Physical length for both diameter and height of cylinder
- Returns
- Return type
(n, fov, T1s, T2s, PDs, radii, dir='z', loc=(0, 0, 0))¶ Make a circular 2D phantom with concentric layers
- Parameters
n (int) – Matrix size of phantom (isotropic)
fov (float) – Field of view of phantom (isotropic)
T1s (numpy.ndarray or list) – List of T1s in seconds for the layers, going outward
T2s (numpy.ndarray or list) – List of T2s in seconds for the layers, going outward
PDs (numpy.ndarray or list) – List of PDs between 0 and 1 for the layers, going outward
radii (numpy.ndarray) – List of radii that define the layers Note that the radii are expected to go from smallest to largest If not, they will be sorted first without sorting the parameters
dir (str, optional {'z','x','y'}) – Orientation of the plane; default is z, axial
loc (tuple, optional) – Overall (x,y,z) location of phantom; default is (0,0,0)
- Returns
- Return type
(n, fov, T1s, T2s, PDs, radii, loc=(0, 0, 0))¶ Make a spherical phantom with concentric layers
- Parameters
n (int) – Matrix size of phantom (isotropic)
fov (float) – Field of view of phantom (isotropic)
T1s (numpy.ndarray or list) – List of T1s in seconds for the layers, going outward
T2s (numpy.ndarray or list) – List of T2s in seconds for the layers, going outward
PDs (numpy.ndarray or list) – List of PDs between 0 and 1 for the layers, going outward
radii (numpy.ndarray) – List of radii that define the layers Note that the radii are expected to go from smallest to largest If not, they will be sorted first without sorting the parameters
loc (tuple, optional) – Overall (x,y,z) location of phantom; default is (0,0,0)
- Returns
- Return type¶
Main Bloch simulation script
This script is called by run_blochsim() with command line arguments to execute a particular simulation request, including the construction of a phantom, a pulseq sequence, parallel simulation, reconstruction, and data & image output
See beginning of the main section for explanations of the command line arguments (line 41-71)¶
Methods to help Bloch simulation from pulseq objects
(isc, seq_info)¶ Imposes sequence commands on a single spin group
This is the key simulation function that goes through the commands and applies each to the spin group
- Parameters
isc (SpinGroup) – The affected spin group
seq_info (dict) – Commands generated by store_pulseq_commands() from a pulseq object
(isc, seq)¶ Deprecated function for applying a seq on a spin group and retrieving the signal
(blk)¶ Helper function that combines gradient areas in a pulseq block
- Parameters
blk (dict) – Pulseq block obtained from seq.get_block()
- Returns
grad_areas – [Gx_area, Gy_area, Gz_area] Gradient areas converted into units of seconds*Tesla/meter
- Return type
(blk, dt=0, timing=(), delay=0)¶ Helper function that merges multiple gradients into a format for simulation
Interpolate x, y, and z gradients starting from time 0 at dt intervals, for as long as the longest gradient lasts and combine them into a 3 x N array
- Parameters
blk (dict) – Pulseq block obtained from seq.get_block()
dt (float, optional) – Raster time used in interpolating gradients, in seconds Default is 0 - in this case, timing is supposed to be inputted
timing (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Time points at which gradients are interpolated, in seconds Default is () - in this case, dt is supposed to be inputted
delay (float, optional) – Adds an additional time interval in seconds at the beginning of the interpolation Default is 0; when nonzero it is only used in ADC sampling to realize ADC delay
- Returns
grad (numpy.ndarray) – Gradient shape in Tesla/meter
grad_timing (numpy.ndarray) – Gradient timing in seconds
duration (float) – Duration of input block in seconds
Only input one argument between dt and timing and not the other
(blk, dt)¶ Helper function that finds and returns longest duration among Gx, Gy, and Gz for use in SpinGroup.fpwg()
- Parameters
blk (dict) – Pulseq Block obtained from seq.get_block()
dt (float) – Gradient raster time for calculating duration of only arbitrary gradients (‘grad’ instead of ‘trap’)
- Returns
max_time – Maximum gradient time, in seconds, among the three gradients Gx, Gy, and Gz
- Return type
(maptype=0)¶ Returns a predefined B0 map for simulating effects of B0 inhomogeneity
- Parameters
maptype (int) – Index for retrieving a map. 1 - linear map (center out) 2 - quadratic map (center out) Others - uniform map
- Returns
dB0_map – This function takes location (x,y,z) as a single parameter and returns delta B0 in Tesla
- Return type
(loc_ind, freq_offset, phantom, seq_info)¶ Function for applying a seq on a spin group and retrieving the signal
- Parameters
loc_ind (tuple) – Index in phantom of the specific spin group
freq_offset (float) – Off-resonance in Hertz
phantom (Phantom) – Phantom where spin group is located
seq_info (dict) – Commands generated by store_pulseq_commands() from a pulseq object
- Returns
signal – Complex signal consisting of all readouts stored in the SpinGroup object
- Return type
(loc_ind, freq_offset, phantom, seq)¶ Deprecated function for applying a seq on a spin group and retrieving the signal
(seq)¶ Converts seq file into set of commands for more efficient simulation
- Parameters
seq (Sequence) – Pulseq object to parse from
- Returns
seq_info – Pulseq commands used by apply_pulseq_commands()
- Return type
Library for generating pulseq sequences: GRE, SE, IRSE, EPI
(gradients, system, dur)¶ Helper function that merges multiple gradients
A list of gradients are combined into one set of 3 oblique gradients (Gx, Gy, Gz) with equivalent areas Note that the waveforms are not preserved : the outputs will always be trapezoidal gradients
- Parameters
gradients (list) – List of gradients to be combined; there can be any number of x, y, or z gradients
system (Opts) – Pulseq object that indicates system constraints for gradient parameters
dur (float) – Duration of the output oblique gradients
- Returns
gtx, gty, gtz – Oblique pulseq gradients with equivalent areas to all input gradients combined
- Return type
(gradient, unit_grad)¶ Helper function to make oblique gradients
(Gx, Gy, Gz) are generated from a single orthogonal gradient and a direction indicated by unit vector
- Parameters
gradient (Gradient) – Pulseq gradient object
unit_grad (array_like) – Length-3 unit vector indicating direction of resulting oblique gradient
- Returns
ngx, ngy, ngz – Oblique gradients in x, y, and z directions
- Return type
(fov, n, thk, fa, tr, te, enc='xyz', slice_locs=None, echo_type='se', n_shots=1, seg_type='blocked', write=False)¶ Makes an Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) sequence in any plane
2D oblique multi-slice EPI pulse sequence with Cartesian encoding Oblique means that each of slice-selection, phase encoding, and frequency encoding can point in any specified direction
- Parameters
fov (array_like) – Isotropic field-of-view, or length-2 list [fov_readout, fov_phase], in meters
n (array_like) – Isotropic matrix size, or length-2 list [n_readout, n_phase]
thk (float) – Slice thickness in meters
fa (float) – Flip angle in degrees
tr (float) – Repetition time in seconds
te (float) – Echo time in seconds
enc (str or array_like, optional) – Spatial encoding directions 1st - readout; 2nd - phase encoding; 3rd - slice select - Use str with any permutation of x, y, and z to obtain orthogonal slices e.g. The default ‘xyz’ means axial(z) slice with readout in x and phase encoding in y - Use list to indicate vectors in the encoding directions for oblique slices They should be perpendicular to each other, but not necessarily unit vectors e.g. [(2,1,0),(-1,2,0),(0,0,1)] rotates the two in-plane encoding directions for an axial slice
slice_locs (array_like, optional) – Slice locations from isocenter in meters Default is None which means a single slice at the center
echo_type (str, optional {'se','gre'}) – Type of echo generated se (default) - spin echo (an 180 deg pulse is used) gre - gradient echo
n_shots (int, optional) – Number of shots used to encode each slicel; default is 1
seg_type (str, optional {'blocked','interleaved'}) – Method to divide up k-space in the case of n_shots > 1; default is ‘blocked’ ‘blocked’ - each shot covers a rectangle, with no overlap between shots ‘interleaved’ - each shot samples the full k-space but with wider phase steps
write (bool, optional) – Whether to write seq into file; default is False
- Returns
seq (Sequence) – Pulse sequence as a Pulseq object
ro_dirs (numpy.ndarray) – List of 0s and 1s indicating direction of readout 0 - left to right 1 - right to left (needs to be reversed at recon)
ro_order (numpy.ndarray) – Order in which to re-arrange the readout lines It is [] for blocked acquisition (retain original order)
(fov, n, thk, fa, tr, te, enc='xyz', slice_locs=None, write=False)¶ Makes a gradient-echo sequence
2D orthogonal multi-slice gradient-echo pulse sequence with Cartesian encoding Orthogonal means that each of slice-selection, phase encoding, and frequency encoding aligns with the x, y, or z directions
- Parameters
fov (float) – Field-of-view in meters (isotropic)
n (int) – Matrix size (isotropic)
thk (float) – Slice thickness in meters
fa (float) – Flip angle in degrees
tr (float) – Repetition time in seconds
te (float) – Echo time in seconds
enc (str, optional) – Spatial encoding directions 1st - readout; 2nd - phase encoding; 3rd - slice select Default ‘xyz’ means axial(z) slice with readout in x and phase encoding in y
slice_locs (array_like, optional) – Slice locations from isocenter in meters Default is None which means a single slice at the center
write (bool, optional) – Whether to write seq into file; default is False
- Returns
seq – Pulse sequence as a Pulseq object
- Return type
(fov, n, thk, fa, tr, te, enc='xyz', slice_locs=None, write=False)¶ Makes a gradient-echo sequence in any plane
2D oblique multi-slice gradient-echo pulse sequence with Cartesian encoding Oblique means that each of slice-selection, phase encoding, and frequency encoding can point in any specified direction
- Parameters
fov (array_like) – Isotropic field-of-view, or length-2 list [fov_readout, fov_phase], in meters
n (array_like) – Isotropic matrix size, or length-2 list [n_readout, n_phase]
thk (float) – Slice thickness in meters
fa (float) – Flip angle in degrees
tr (float) – Repetition time in seconds
te (float) – Echo time in seconds
enc (str or array_like, optional) – Spatial encoding directions 1st - readout; 2nd - phase encoding; 3rd - slice select - Use str with any permutation of x, y, and z to obtain orthogonal slices e.g. The default ‘xyz’ means axial(z) slice with readout in x and phase encoding in y - Use list to indicate vectors in the encoding directions for oblique slices They should be perpendicular to each other, but not necessarily unit vectors e.g. [(2,1,0),(-1,2,0),(0,0,1)] rotates the two in-plane encoding directions for an axial slice
slice_locs (array_like, optional) – Slice locations from isocenter in meters Default is None which means a single slice at the center
write (bool, optional) – Whether to write seq into file; default is False
- Returns
seq – Pulse sequence as a Pulseq object
- Return type
(fov, n, thk, fa, tr, te, ti, enc='xyz', slice_locs=None, write=False)¶ Makes an Inversion Recovery Spin Echo (IRSE) sequence
2D orthogonal multi-slice IRSE pulse sequence with Cartesian encoding Orthogonal means that each of slice-selection, phase encoding, and frequency encoding aligns with the x, y, or z directions
- Parameters
fov (float) – Field-of-view in meters (isotropic)
n (int) – Matrix size (isotropic)
thk (float) – Slice thickness in meters
fa (float) – Flip angle in degrees
tr (float) – Repetition time in seconds
te (float) – Echo time in seconds
ti (float) – Inversion time in seconds
enc (str, optional) – Spatial encoding directions 1st - readout; 2nd - phase encoding; 3rd - slice select Default ‘xyz’ means axial(z) slice with readout in x and phase encoding in y
slice_locs (array_like, optional) – Slice locations from isocenter in meters Default is None which means a single slice at the center
write (bool, optional) – Whether to write seq into file; default is False
- Returns
seq – Pulse sequence as a Pulseq object
- Return type
(fov, n, thk, fa, tr, te, ti, enc='xyz', slice_locs=None, write=False)¶ Makes an Inversion Recovery Spin Echo (IRSE) sequence in any plane
2D oblique multi-slice IRSE pulse sequence with Cartesian encoding Oblique means that each of slice-selection, phase encoding, and frequency encoding can point in any specified direction
- Parameters
fov (array_like) – Isotropic field-of-view, or length-2 list [fov_readout, fov_phase], in meters
n (array_like) – Isotropic matrix size, or length-2 list [n_readout, n_phase]
thk (float) – Slice thickness in meters
fa (float) – Flip angle in degrees
tr (float) – Repetition time in seconds
te (float) – Echo time in seconds
ti (float) – Inversion time in seconds
enc (str or array_like, optional) – Spatial encoding directions 1st - readout; 2nd - phase encoding; 3rd - slice select - Use str with any permutation of x, y, and z to obtain orthogonal slices e.g. The default ‘xyz’ means axial(z) slice with readout in x and phase encoding in y - Use list to indicate vectors in the encoding directions for oblique slices They should be perpendicular to each other, but not necessarily unit vectors e.g. [(2,1,0),(-1,2,0),(0,0,1)] rotates the two in-plane encoding directions for an axial slice
slice_locs (array_like, optional) – Slice locations from isocenter in meters Default is None which means a single slice at the center
write (bool, optional) – Whether to write seq into file; default is False
- Returns
seq – Pulse sequence as a Pulseq object
- Return type
(fov, n, thk, fa, tr, te, enc='xyz', slice_locs=None, write=False)¶ Makes a Spin Echo (SE) sequence
2D orthogonal multi-slice Spin-Echo pulse sequence with Cartesian encoding Orthogonal means that each of slice-selection, phase encoding, and frequency encoding aligns with the x, y, or z directions
- Parameters
fov (float) – Field-of-view in meters (isotropic)
n (int) – Matrix size (isotropic)
thk (float) – Slice thickness in meters
fa (float) – Flip angle in degrees
tr (float) – Repetition time in seconds
te (float) – Echo time in seconds
enc (str, optional) – Spatial encoding directions 1st - readout; 2nd - phase encoding; 3rd - slice select Default ‘xyz’ means axial(z) slice with readout in x and phase encoding in y
slice_locs (array_like, optional) – Slice locations from isocenter in meters Default is None which means a single slice at the center
write (bool, optional) – Whether to write seq into file; default is False
- Returns
seq – Pulse sequence as a Pulseq object
- Return type
(fov, n, thk, fa, tr, te, enc='xyz', slice_locs=None, write=False)¶ Makes a Spin Echo (SE) sequence in any plane
2D oblique multi-slice Spin-Echo pulse sequence with Cartesian encoding Oblique means that each of slice-selection, phase encoding, and frequency encoding can point in any specified direction
- Parameters
fov (array_like) – Isotropic field-of-view, or length-2 list [fov_readout, fov_phase], in meters
n (array_like) – Isotropic matrix size, or length-2 list [n_readout, n_phase]
thk (float) – Slice thickness in meters
fa (float) – Flip angle in degrees
tr (float) – Repetition time in seconds
te (float) – Echo time in seconds
enc (str or array_like, optional) – Spatial encoding directions 1st - readout; 2nd - phase encoding; 3rd - slice select - Use str with any permutation of x, y, and z to obtain orthogonal slices e.g. The default ‘xyz’ means axial(z) slice with readout in x and phase encoding in y - Use list to indicate vectors in the encoding directions for oblique slices They should be perpendicular to each other, but not necessarily unit vectors e.g. [(2,1,0),(-1,2,0),(0,0,1)] rotates the two in-plane encoding directions for an axial slice
slice_locs (array_like, optional) – Slice locations from isocenter in meters Default is None which means a single slice at the center
write (bool, optional) – Whether to write seq into file; default is False
- Returns
seq – Pulse sequence as a Pulseq object
- Return type
(gradient, scale, channel=None)¶ Helper function to modify the strength and channel of an existing gradient
- Parameters
gradient (Gradient) – Pulseq gradient object to be modified
scale (float) – Scalar to multiply the gradient strength by
channel (str, optional {None, 'x','y','z'}) – Channel to switch gradient into Default is None which keeps the original channel
(enc)¶ Helper function for decoding enc parameter
- Parameters
enc (str or array_like) – Inputted encoding scheme to parse
- Returns
ug_fe (numpy.ndarray) – Length-3 vector of readout direction
ug_pe (numpy.ndarray) – Length-3 vector of phase encoding direction
ug_ss (numpy.ndarray) – Length-3 vector of slice selecting direction¶
(loc=(0, 0, 0), pdt1t2=(1, 0, 0), df=0)¶ Bases:
Basic magnetization unit for Bloch simulation
A SpinGroup has a defined location, relaxation times, proton density, and off-resonance.
- Parameters
loc (tuple,optional) – (x,y,z) Location from isocenter in meters; default is (0,0,0)
pdt1t2 (tuple, optional) – (PD,T1,T2) Proton density between 0 and 1 T1, T2 in seconds; if zero it signifies no relaxation Default is PD = 1 and T1, T2 = 0
df (float, optional) – Off-resonance in Hertz; default is 0
¶ [[Mx],[My],[Mz]] 3 x 1 array of magnetization
- Type
¶ Proton density between 0 and 1 that scales the signal
- Type
¶ Longitudinal relaxation time in seconds
- Type
¶ Transverse relaxation time in seconds
- Type
¶ (x,y,z) Location of spin group from isocenter in meters
- Type
¶ Off-resonance in Hertz
- Type
¶ Complex signal produced from this spin group; only generated by self.readout()
- Type
(pulse_shape, grads_shape, dt)¶ Applies an RF pulse
Euler’s method numerical integration of Bloch equation with both B1(RF) field and gradient field
- Parameters
pulse_shape – 1 x n complex array (B1)[tesla]
grads_shape – 3 x n real array [tesla/meter]
dt – raster time for both shapes [seconds]
(t)¶ Applies a time passage to the spin group
The spin group free-precesses with only T1, T2 effects (no RF, no gradients). This function changes self.m and has no output.
- Parameters
t (float) – Delay interval in seconds
(grad_area, t)¶ Apply only gradients to the spin group
The spin group precesses with gradients applied. This function changes self.m and has no output.
- Parameters
grad_area (numpy.ndarray) – [Gx_area, Gy_area, Gz_area] Total area under Gx, Gy, and Gz in seconds*Tesla/meter
t (float) – Total time of precession in seconds
()¶ Gets spin group’s transverse magnetization
- Returns
m_signal – Single complex number representing transverse magnetization Real part = Mx Imaginary part = My
- Return type
(dwell, n, delay, grad, timing)¶ ADC sampling for single spin group
Samples spin group’s magnetization while playing an arbitrary gradient This data is then stored in self.signal
- Parameters
dwell (float) – Constant sampling interval in seconds
n (int) – Number of samples
delay (float) – Delay of the first point sampled relative to beginning of gradient waveform
grad (numpy.ndarray) – 2D array with shape 3 x m (i.e. m samples of the 3D gradient (Gx, Gy, Gz)) Arbitrary gradient waveform in Tesla/meter
timing (numpy.ndarray) – 1D array with length m Timing of gradient waveform
(v)¶ Helper method that generates rotational matrix from Rodrigues’s formula
Rodrigue’s formula gives a 3 x 3 matrix for arbitrary rotational axis and angle
- Parameters
v (tuple) – (vx, vy, vz) 3D angular rotation vector in Cartesian space whose direction is the rotational axis and whose length the angle rotated in radians
- Returns
R – 3 x 3 rotational matrix
- Return type
Unit test for bloch simulation on GRE, SE, and IRSE sequences (2D Cartesian, line-by-line, rectangular trajectory) Run the script to generated a simulated image. Modify the code directly to set the phantom and acquisition parameters.¶
Unit test for bloch simulation on pulseq EPI sequence (2D Cartesian, rectangular trajectory) Run the script to generated a simulated image. Modify the code directly to set the phantom and acquisition parameters.